Hello world! TAGS v6.0 is here

Welcome to the new TAGS support site. The old blog post threads publishing TAGS were getting a bit messy so hopefully this will be a better place to share expertise and experiences. You can get the new TAGS here.

Amazing to think TAGS has been going for over 4 years now. Version 6 is a major code rewrite and the most important new feature is a better setup processes. No more digging into the script editor to run functions, no more entering your Twitter API key and secret each time you create a new archive. Both these things are history thanks to some base code released by Arun Nagarajan at Google. Now you enter/register for a Twitter API key and secret once and each copy of TAGS you make will remember these. This is made possible by incorporating this functionality as a custom Apps Script library I’ve called TwtrService. TwtrService makes it easy to make calls to all of Twitter’s API and I’ll be explaining how it works in another post.

Version 6 comes with some other new features. The one that was most requested was archiving favourited tweets. There was a quick hack version of TAGS that did this but was limited to the last 200. Now when you setup a favourite archive you can get up to the last 3,000 favourited tweets. Another option with TAGS v6.0 is to use Google’s new version of Sheets. This gives TAGS more capacity and performance. One issue however with new Sheets is it isn’t very stable with the Google Visualisation API which is used in TAGSExplorer.

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