Creation of new sheets when size limit is reached

Home Forums Feature request Creation of new sheets when size limit is reached


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    Thanks again for this great tool! I’ve asked about this a couple of months ago already, but I want to inquire about it again as I think it would be an important feature for many people using TAGS and many potential users, particularly from the scientific community.

    Is it possible to have TAGS create new sheets with the existing query when the current sheet hits its size limit (of about 30,000 tweets)?

    This is essential if one wants to collect longitudinal data about terms that are reasonably frequent. It’s very tedious (and some times even impossible) to manually do this. I currently need to check every day for all the terms I’m monitoring and then create duplicates, wipe the new files’ archives, stop the periodical updates on the old and start them on the new files. Having this feature would make TAGS a very nice crawler running in the background.



    Timely request – I start TAGS major redevelopment next week as a full time project so will add this to the requested feature list


    Great, thanks, looking forward to it! 🙂


    Hi Matthew,

    Is it possible to set up an alert for sheets that automatically sends me an email (or something similar) when a sheet reaches a threshhold of e.g. 30,000 lines? Then I wouldn’t need to check all sheets all the time. That would be a makeshift solution for the problem mentioned above which I’m still facing.



    For a workaround in your each Google Sheet you want to monitor open Tools > Script Editor… and add the following code at the top changing the email address:

    function checkSize(){
      var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
      var rows = doc.getSheetByName("Archive").getLastRow();
      if (rows > 30000){
        MailApp.sendEmail("[email protected]", doc.getName()+" -size warning", "Check "+ doc.getUrl());

    then in the script editor select Edit > Current project triggers and add a new trigger for checkSize to run daily. You should now get a warning when the sheet reaches 30,000 rows. To stop the warnings from the script editor navigate back to current project triggers and remove the trigger


    Thanks for offering this workaround! I’m still hoping for the option that new sheets will be created automatically, but thanks anyway! 🙂


    This is one of the most important features I see on the forum, it’s really to be going another kind of peace of mind to know that sheets duplicates & keep doing the harvesting of tweets on the new sheet and stop the 1h check when at 30K rows on the original sheet.

    This is my preferred feature at the moment !


    Hi Martin,

    Good day. And thank you for your amazing work.
    Is there now a way for authomatically create new sheets and keep storing the tweets once the “archive” has already reached its size limit?

    Thank you!!!

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