TypeError: Cannot call method "getRange" of null.

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    I have about 45+ different TAGS running and received the exact same error on exactly 4 of the TAGS:

    10/27/14 3:18 PM collectTweets TypeError: Cannot call method “getRange” of null. (line 63, file “TAGS”) time-based 10/27/14 3:18 PM

    I set up new TAGS using the both the 6.0 old and new sheets, and it appears to have set up successfully, but in reviewing the archive for the new TAGS, I realize that I am missing a significant chunk of tweets. For example, my TAGS archive for #wfsuamgrad is missing Tweets from 10/24 or 10/25 that I can see on Twitter. It has collected Tweets from dates before and after. Any ideas as to:
    1. Why the error messages? and
    2. Why the missing Tweets?

    Any & all insight would be greatly appreciated.


    I’ve seen the first error before. For some reason the Google servers can’t read the sheet data but find on the very next run it’s fine.

    The second issue I haven’t seen before as even if the script misses a day it should continue where it left of. If you run a fresh version of TAGS for it still miss those days for #wfsuamgrad?


    I’ve seen the first error before. For some reason the Google servers can’t read the sheet data but find on the very next run it’s fine.

    The second issue I haven’t seen before as even if the script misses a day it should continue where it left of. If you run a fresh version of TAGS for it still miss those days for #wfsuamgrad?


    Thank you, Martin, for the reply. Yes, I tried building a new TAGS for #wfsuamgrad and it still failed to catch tweets from the two dates in question.

    I have been checking my other TAGS and just found another that is failing to catch tweets. The TAGS for #amgradindy is not catching tweets for 9/20 to 9/30.

    I tried making a fresh TAGS version, but since the Twitter cache has changed, it won’t cull anything farther back than 10/22, so I couldn’t say if that is a solution.

    Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


    hmmm I’m not seeing tweets for 24th/25th using the term #wfsuamgrad e.g. https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=%23wfsuamgrad&src=typd ???



    Not sure if this is a bug or not but when I first set up a TAGS v6.0 instance for #DALMOOC (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljOJ7w63DbTdHNVOUNZWDJXU2locS1oOTl3N3R5V3c#gid=121) I had to hard-code the Google Sheet reference into the links for the TAGSEXplorer and the TAGS archive. It didn’t seem to pick up this reference from the sheet as it was set up to do. The web view was published at the time.

    Or should I have clicked the link from the published version?


    Well, I think I see the problem with the 10/14 issue… they’re from 2013. Apologies for the oversight.

    But I do still have a problem with #amgradindy. The tweets from 9/20 – 9/30 did not appearing in my TAGS. I can’t fix it with a new TAGS because it won’t reach back past 10/23. Any thoughts?



    Here is a more recent example. The TAGS I set up for #upstategrad is not catching tweets from 10/21, but tweets from before and after that date are appearing in the archive.


    Hi – it’s worth bearing in mind that the twitter search api is not 100% reliable:

    We find that the search API over-represents the more central users and does not offer an accurate picture of peripheral activity; we also find that the bias is greater for the network of mentions – González-Bailón, Sandra, et al. “Assessing the bias in communication networks sampled from twitter.” Available at SSRN 2185134 (2012).


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