Filter Conversational Explorer by time

Home Forums Feature request Filter Conversational Explorer by time

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    I like to show the evolution of the conversation cloud / morph to Death star but the only way I can do this is to remember to run a screen shot on a regular basis. Would it be possible to have some kind of slider to see the shape for tweets before a given date? It need not be automated like the timeline of a single person.



    been meaning to add this for a while. There is a url hack you can do mentioned in this post

    For example here is a TAGSExplorer for tweets less than 2015-11-30:,B,C,D,J,L+,M,N+WHERE+E+%3C%3D+date+%272015-11-30%27&tqx=reqId:0

    You can also do queries like the last 7 days using:,B,C,D,J,L+,M,N+WHERE+DATEDIFF(NOW(),E)+%3C%3D7&tqx=reqId:0

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by mhawksey. Reason: formatting
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by mhawksey.
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