building a query

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    I’m trying to build an archive of my favorites in TAGS 6.0. What I’m missing is how the parameters get translated before the api query.

    From what I can tell,

    function getTweets(){
      TAGS.collectTweets(doc, advParams);

    is what’s running, and for favorites you’re passing the screen name in the term field as screen_name to the GET favorites/list.

    This tops out at 200, but the final tweet gives an ID that could be passed to future queries as the optional param max_id

    Will you point me to how this field gets translated for search? AFAIK I cannot view the TAGS library source, just that it’s an optParams Object behind the scenes.

    I have less than 2400 favorites, so updating the query 11 times shouldn’t take long.


    Hmm on favourites I thought I coded passing in so the first time you run it grand up to the last 3,000 favs. I take it this isn’t happening for you?

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